Saturday, September 13, 2008

Make the most with the people in your life

I am a high school assistant principal. I face many situations in a day that can create anger in me - disrespectful kids, mocking, arrogance, and adults who choose ignorance over responsibility. One thing that God has been impressing upon my heart is that I do those same things to Him. He chooses to show me His matchless grace and mercy on a daily basis. If not, I would surely not be here! I am to show His matchless grace to others on a daily basis as well. Oddly enough, there are days I feel I can go on without Him (arrogance). Days I make fun of others in my own heart (mocking). Days I use His name in vain (disrespect). Days I can make all kinds of excuses why not to do the right thing (ignorance over responsibility). What I am reminded of is this passage in 2 Corinthians 13:14, "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." For some strange reason, God chooses to use His people (you and I) as vessels of His grace. Hence, I must put myself in His hands daily to be more graceful to others - including the students he has put in my charge.

Yesterday, I had to confiscate marijuana from a young person at school. He was very immature in his responses and lied, blamed others, made every excuse except take personal responsibility. I merely told him about the dangers of marijuana, and that in my observations, it would kick his butt until he either died, or gave it up. I gave the discipline the school called for, but even in that , he knew I cared for him enough to talk straight to him without anger or condemnation. Life is too short for anything else!

-Rick Mauderer